Heart Soul Human
Bridging practicality with grounded spirituality & personal transformation, we're here to take you to the full expression of all that you are-full heart, full soul, and fully human. We're your reminder to feel it all and have fun along the way. From our hearts to yours, we are Zach (future physician) & Neil (trained therapist & ex-monk) - 2 healers and Akashic Record readers here for your growth! Let's vibe together & cry together as we transform to thrive.
Heart Soul Human
Emotional Resolution vs Psychological Conclusion
Season 2
Episode 102
Is dealing with the psychological more helpful than the emotional? Which comes first? Listen and learn the difference between resolving something emotionally vs psychologically!
Work with Zach or Neil 1-on-1 by getting an Akashic Record Reading
- Message @justzachkaufman or email zelikaufman125@gmail.com
- Email neil@neildisy.com
Ask Us A Question -we'll answer on air - TAP HERE TO ASK
Episode Highlights
- Psychological conclusion as acceptance vs emotional resolution as finding peace through meeting a need
- The linear conscious vs the non-linear subconscious
- Using psychological reframing to direct the underlying emotion
- Moving through the layers of healing
Music-Max Van Soest